
Spolupráca (Cooperation)

“Homage to Heritage” – a week-long multi-genre festival celebrating the opening of the synagogue in Senec as a new cultural centre, accompanying events in public space. Exhibitions, lectures, concerts, shows and performances by personalities of Jewish culture from Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Hungary; guided tours of the synagogue, “Exposition of Jewish Cultural Heritage”, interactive programme with discussions on Judaism and Christianity, discussion on Hungarian-Slovak cultural relations and current aspects of cultural cooperation.

Project summary
Call for Proposals code
Small project registration number
Name of the beneficiary
Bratislavský samosprávny kraj
Cross-border partner(s) of the small project
Magyarországi Zsidó Hitközségek Szövetsége
Small project type
Kultúrne podujatie
Place (address) of the small project's implementation
The small project's total budget (100%)
49 556.25 €
Amount of ERDF funding (80%)
39 645.00 €
Amount of national co-financing (12% or 15%)
5 946.75 €
The beneficiary's website
Google map