
Cross-border Interreg VI-A Hungary-Slovakia Programme 2021 – 2027

The cross-border Interreg VI-A Hungary-Slovakia Programme 2021 – 2027 was approved by the Government of the Slovak Republic on the 30th of March, 2022. The programme’s budget, funded by ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) amounts to nearly 130 million euros, of which 12 149 532,71 euros are allocated to the Small Project Fund.  Depending on the type of applicant, projects can be supported up to 92% of the total budget. The maximum amount of ERDF support is 80%.

A better cooperating HU-SK border region

List of calls

CLOSED: Kisprojekt Alap pályázati felhívás 2301
Duration of the Call: 2023.10.16.-2023.11.15.