“6th Kamenín Grey Cattle Festival” – a cultural and gastronomic festival showcasing the Patács Nature Reserve and traditional grazing of grey cattle. Meeting of municipal councils of five partner municipalities, joint planning of ecotourism, signature of cooperation agreements. Presentation of the EU in cooperation with Europe Direct (20 years in the EU questionnaire, colouring books and quiz for children).
Project summary
Call for Proposals code
Small project registration number
Name of the beneficiary
Obec Kamenín
Cross-border partner(s) of the small project
Boldva község önkormányzata, Héreg település önkormányzata, Kiskunhalas város önkormányzata, Jászapáti város polgármesteri hivatal önkormányzata, Kosd község önkormányzata,
Small project type
Place (address) of the small project's implementation
The small project's total budget (100%)
16 518.75 €
Amount of ERDF funding (80%)
13 215 €
Amount of national co-financing (12% or 15%)
1 982.25 €
The beneficiary's website
Google map