
Gastro-voda-šport-kultúra (Gastro-Water-Sport-Culture)

“Family Day” – a Children’s Day featuring a football match, water sports for children and adults, children’s fishing competition; “Gastrocourse” – a workshop on preparing traditional dishes, presentation of local products; “5th Oven Festival in Dolné Saliby” – gastronomic and cultural activities focusing on supporting cross-border cooperation and the development of the municipalities of Dolné Saliby and Pannonhalma.

Project summary
Call for Proposals code
Small project registration number
Name of the beneficiary
Obec Dolné Saliby
Cross-border partner(s) of the small project
Pannonhalma Város Önkormányzata
Small project type
Kultúrne podujatie
Place (address) of the small project's implementation
Dolné Saliby
The small project's total budget (100%)
26 431.25 €
Amount of ERDF funding (80%)
21 145.00 €
Amount of national co-financing (12% or 15%)
3 171.75 €
The beneficiary's website
Google map