Zabudnuté remeslá – Martovce (Forgotten Crafts Camp)
Forgotten Crafts Camp – two summer camps for primary and secondary school students from Hungary and Slovakia: exploring traditional crafts, experiencing the art of handwork and the joy of collaborative creation; sports programme, a discussion on building identity in civic life, visiting a traditional folk house.
Project summary
Call for Proposals code
Small project registration number
Name of the beneficiary
Marthos o.z.
Cross-border partner(s) of the small project
Magyar Műhely Általános Művelődési Központ, Magyar Műhely Közhasznú Alapítvány, Kazinczy Ferenc Gimnázium és Kollégium
Small project type
Tábory pre deti a mládež
Place (address) of the small project's implementation
The small project's total budget (100%)
16 518.75 €
Amount of ERDF funding (80%)
13 215 €
Amount of national co-financing (12% or 15%)
1 982.25 €
Google map