

“Summer University of J. Selye University 2024” – a four-day event for Slovak and Hungarian high school students aimed at raising awareness about secondary education and increasing demand for higher education. Summer school – leisure activities and getting to know student life. “5th Andersen Memorial Fairy-tale Morning” – an interactive programme (fairy tales, dramatic games, puppet theatre) for children from Hungarian and Slovak kindergartens. “6th Chemistry Didactics Day” – lectures and activities on natural science education for chemistry teachers from elementary and secondary schools in Hungary and Slovakia. “Let’s Discover the World Around Us” – an interactive class on educational activities for preschool children; round table discussion on possibilities for deepening professional and scientific cooperation between the Budapest Business University and the J. Selye University (Komárno). “Inclusion of Roma and Social Care” – workshop and conference (Dunajská Streda, Roma Museum). “NaTúra TanTúra” – a two-day excursion with participants from the Curie Foundation: natural and cultural monuments in Slovakia.

Project summary
Call for Proposals code
Small project registration number
Name of the beneficiary
Univerzita J. Selyeho
Cross-border partner(s) of the small project
Komáromi Jókai Mór Gimnázium, Komáromi Gesztenyés Óvoda, Curie Tehetséggondozó és Oktatásfejlesztő Közhasznú Alapítvány, A Természettudományos Oktatásért Szabó Szabolcs Emlékére Közhasznú Alapítvány, Református Szeretetszolgálat, Soproni Egyetem, Benedek Elek Pedagógiai Kar, 8K Az Életminoség Fejlesztéséért Alapítvány
Small project type
Odborné konferencie a programy
Place (address) of the small project's implementation
The small project's total budget (100%)
26 431.25 €
Amount of ERDF funding (80%)
21 145 €
Amount of national co-financing (12% or 15%)
3 171.75 €
The beneficiary's website
Google map